- 一記完場前既抽射.....由1分變番3分~ 不過我係冇睇哂頭場.....哈哈...
- 巴西真係人腳唔夠? 冇咩冠軍相?
- 我0係入睡後, 被"巢"醒.....仲可以諗野諗咁清晰...都算係咁上下啦....
- 嘩...呢幾日咩事??? 熱到跳舞.....連入夜後都仲係咁熱....
- 一陣記得拎張10元coupon去.....唔好蝕....
- 又好了一點......起碼冇再出痱滋.....
- 不過都係有少少腫....
- 周圍都係 都教授~~~~型~
- 薯片呀...薯片呀.....我幾時先可以再與你相會...?
- 又是流鼻水的時候......tempo候命
- 好想快D秋......發夢了...
My brother wants to cry for Spain. He is super fan of 西班牙!
回覆刪除流鼻水 <-- Any better? So hot, you have to drink more water. Take care
刪除我本身有鼻敏感, 起身後好多時都流鼻水...好彩都只係DD, 唔好彩就不停流......
The news said that the Spain team had too many football contests in the past year. And the whole team was over tired & members suffered from too many injuries.. 為佢地可惜...畢竟係上屆冠軍 -- I feel this too. My brother told me that he will not watch the remaing matches of the world cup. 他要請我食飯,因為我估西班牙not the winner this year.
回覆刪除鼻敏感 -- 好辛苦. Take care.
刪除你估邊隊贏? 我估荷蘭~
其實去左英國之後巳經好左好多......差唔多好番哂....不過唯獨係轉天氣, 起身果陣流鼻水.......
我估阿根廷, but I like 巴西 though I do not much in football match.