Hi Alison, my name is Vicky Shum & this is my first reply in your blog. Accidentally I read your writing on dark roca. So I buy one & try. Dark roca is fine for me. So, dropping lines to say thank you for ur sharings. I will slowly slowly read all your food sharings.
U take care. The wounds shall not get infected. If needed, u have to go to see a Dr.
Merry Christmas to u --> May the spirit of Christmas brings u joy, peace & good health throughout the year of 2014.
仲要用膠布? 未好??
回覆刪除你 ko 咗你的膠布未呀呀呀?????
邊有咁快??? 大塊果D, 我前幾日就買多左.....夠個幾星期用....
Hi Alison, my name is Vicky Shum & this is my first reply in your blog.
回覆刪除Accidentally I read your writing on dark roca. So I buy one & try. Dark roca is fine for me. So, dropping lines to say thank you for ur sharings.
I will slowly slowly read all your food sharings.
U take care. The wounds shall not get infected. If needed, u have to go to see a Dr.
Merry Christmas to u --> May the spirit of Christmas brings u joy, peace & good health throughout the year of 2014.
你好呀~ Vicky~ 好多謝您既留言呢~
刪除查實我都唔知dark roca係唔係新野呢.....不過我覺dark好食過原味少少......
唔使客氣, 睇到你地既留言, 都令我更有動力去搵零食架~所以好歡迎你時時黎呢~
我而家密切留意住, 好彩冇發燒...乜事都無 (touchwood...)
多謝您既祝福呀~ 你都一樣~~