Glad that you are returning to good shape. Hot summer is truly no good for us. These days, I add lemon pieces into a jug of water & keep in the fridge. Then on & off drink it, it soothes the heat. U can try --True -- 大家都要保重.
My cousin tells me to use 普尼茶 for gargling when having sore throat. I try for few times, no distinct effect. Maybe it has to be used for a longer time to have its efficacy.
又流...陰公豬!! 小心身體丫!!
刪除No rush, rest for few more days! Take care Alison
回覆刪除我巳經好好多啦~ 因為燒巳經退哂.....夏天發燒原來係好難受.....
Glad that you are returning to good shape. Hot summer is truly no good for us. These days, I add lemon pieces into a jug of water & keep in the fridge. Then on & off drink it, it soothes the heat. U can try --True -- 大家都要保重.
回覆刪除多謝關心呀~ 我想涼少少...有番D風....因為有風, 個人感覺會好少少~
Yes, 檸水可増強免疫力
刪除My cousin tells me to use 普尼茶 for gargling when having sore throat. I try for few times, no distinct effect. Maybe it has to be used for a longer time to have its efficacy.