Went to book fair this evening. So tired now. Books not really sold at a cheap price. Most of them were old editions & still very expensive. Take more rest & keep well.
Give me five Alison, I like 高木直子 --> 一個人住, 一個人旅行 ... I went to book fair at 7pm, 人唔少! 商務、明報、三聯 & others' pathways are very narrow, people keep pushing in & out in a polite way, though. Page one is Ok, I can at least stay there & read the books for a while.
Years ago + now, bought many many 高木直子 as gift for my niece.Then, borrow from her to read them haa 奸人係我. Sometimes, I read 高木直子 in 商務. Do u like 幾米, snoopy, 文地, nancy cartoon... ?
Went to book fair this evening. So tired now. Books not really sold at a cheap price. Most of them were old editions & still very expensive. Take more rest & keep well.
回覆刪除晚上去係唔係少d人呀?? 多數都係清貨.......
刪除我都好想去, 去會展唔係一個問題, 不過我入唔到去COUNTER入面睇書....哈哈...所以都係去書局買啦~
我比較喜歡繪本插畫, 好似 高木直子 (作家)就最愛~
Give me five Alison, I like 高木直子 --> 一個人住, 一個人旅行 ... I went to book fair at 7pm, 人唔少! 商務、明報、三聯 & others' pathways are very narrow, people keep pushing in & out in a polite way, though. Page one is Ok, I can at least stay there & read the books for a while.
回覆刪除YEAH~~~ 一個人吃到飽...果D我統統都愛.......你全部買齊??
刪除其實我覺書展係一個一次過可以俾人買好多書既地方, 唔會太平...尤其太hit既書....如果係最後果日, 最後數小時, 又可能唔一樣.......
Years ago + now, bought many many 高木直子 as gift for my niece.Then, borrow from her to read them haa 奸人係我. Sometimes, I read 高木直子 in 商務. Do u like 幾米, snoopy, 文地, nancy cartoon... ?
刪除我好少何睇其他, 文地就之前有買過黎睇, 不過而家就0係yahoo睇佢既專欄~nancy cartoon??? 係??
之前我仲有睇思詩公主~ D公仔好cute~